Article 1: General 1.1. The websites,,,,,,,,,, en (hereinafter “the Websites”) are property of the BVBA COACHTEAM, with headquarters at B-2000 ANTWERP,x Amerikalei 39, registered in the Crossroads Bank of Enterprises under number 0.835.283.628.
Anyone making use of the Websites, who registers, places an order, takes up an offer and/or uses services provided on the Websites (hereinafter called "the client") enters an agreement with the BVBA COACHTEAM (hereinafter called "COACHTEAM BVBA"), to which these general terms and conditions are applied.
If you do not agree with these general terms and conditions, you cannot make use of the Websites.
These conditions also are applied to agreements closed with COACHTEAM BVBA via other mediums than the online channel. 1.2. Deviations from these general terms and conditions are only valid if they have been explicitly agreed upon by COACHTEAM BVBA in writing.
If COACHTEAM BVBA during a short or extended period of time accepts deviations from these terms and conditions, whether this is done implicitly or not, they can at any point demand an immediate strict following of the terms and conditions. The client cannot claim any rights from the supple application of these general terms and conditions. 1.3. COACHTEAM BVBA has the right to appeal to third parties during the service provision to the client. Any terms which are valid in the relationship between the clients and COACHTEAM BVBA, are also valid for intermediaries and other third parties which have been appealed to by COACHTEAM BVBA. 1.4. In case any decision in these terms and conditions has become invalid or removed, the other terms and conditions will remain enforced. COACHTEAM BVBA and the client will then decide on new decisions which are to replace the invalid/removed decisions, in such a way that as much of the goal and the meaning of the original agreement is regarded as possible. 1.5. In case of a discrepancy between the Dutch version of the terms and condition and a translation thereof, the Dutch version prevails. 1.6. COACHTEAM BVBA has the right to, at any time, alter the terms and conditions as well as the content of their websites. The most recent version of the general terms and conditions rules the offers, orders, and agreements of COACHTEAM BVBA. Changes are announced on the Websites and via the log-in system of the client.
If the new terms and conditions include limitations to the rights of the client or give the client more obligations and the client does not agree with these new terms and conditions, the client is to e-mail COACHTEAM BVBA via e-mail to to inform them within 24 hour of notice, and via registered mail. Such notice automatically entails the client terminating the agreement.
If the client does not inform COACHTEAM BVBA in time that they do not agree with the new general terms and conditions or prices, or wrongfully notifies of their non-agreement, they are still supposed to accept them. Article 2: Access and registration 2.1. The client must be a natural person and a legal adult under the laws of the country in which he or she resides or if the person is under age he or she will need proven permission of his or her parents and have read and accepted the general terms and conditions in order to make use of the services which are provided by COACHTEAM BVBA. COACHTEAM BVBA does not offer services to legal entities. Our services are strictly Business to Consumer. 2.2. COACHTEAM BVBA reserves the right to decline the registration of a user of the website. The involved user is notified of this decision via e-mail. 2.3. After payment, the client receives an e-mail with a personal access code or link. After the client has entered this code into the system, they receive access to the services offered by COACHTEAM BVBA.
2.4. When purchasing a fixed term service (usually 30 days), you’re service will start as soon as the purchasing process has been completed until the end of the indicated period (from minute to minute).
2.5.The 14 day right of withdrawal contained in article 9 Of EU Directive 2011/83/EU and in the Belgian Commercial Code Book VI, article VI.47 does not apply to COACHTEAM BVBA, since the delivery of the service starts before the end of the 14 days period, as prescribed by article VI.53, 1°.
2.6. Any purchased service package with a limited validity is purchased as a whole. COACHTEAM BVBA does not offer partial or pro rata refunds of purchase prices in the event of early termination.
Article 3: Duration and termination
3.1. In case a client does not respect these general terms and conditions, COACHTEAM BVBA has the right to terminate the agreement immediately and without prior notice via e-mail.
3.2. COACHTEAM BVBA has the right, at any time and without prior notice, to (partially) deny access to or usage of the website to the client, in case this is deemed necessary in COACHTEAM BVBA’s discretion. This may be the case in case of violation of the general terms and conditions, any other agreement with COACHTEAM BVBA, any legal regulation, and with improper and/or unacceptable behaviour. This list is not exhaustive
3.3. The client can terminate the agreement at any time for any reason by e-mail to The agreement is terminated as soon as the client has finished the procedure which is sent to him or her by mail.
3.4. If the client terminates the agreement, they are themselves responsible for terminating the automatic payments throught their Payment Service Provider. COACHTEAM BVBA cannot be held responsible in case the client fails to do so (in a timely fashion).
3.5. These general terms and conditions remain valid between parties until the termination of the agreement has been finalized.
Article 4: Terms of Use
4.1. The agreement closed with COACHTEAM BVBA is personal and non-transferable.
This entails, among other things, that the client shall not give their password to third parties and that they cannot let third parties make use of the services provided by COACHTEAM BVBA.
4.2. The client is to fill out correct and truthful personal data under "profile". Any change is to be immediately entered.
If the client fails to do so, COACHTEAM BVBA cannot be held responsible for any interruptions and/or disruptions in the service provision.
4.3. The client declares that they will not use The Websites for commercial goals and/or the advertising of any service or any product.
4.4. The client will not perform any actions which could cause damage to COACHTEAM or the third parties which COACHTEAM BVBA entrusts to provide services, nor are in conflict with Belgian, foreign, European, or any other type of law or regulation.
This includes, among other things and in a not exhaustive manner, the following actions:
a) infringing the intellectual ownership rights of COACHTEAM BVBA and/or third parties
b) the publishing and/or spreading of secret and/or confidential information
c) the damaging and/or destroying of the computer systems and/or software of COACHTEAM BVBA and/or third parties
d) the spreading of viruses, worms, spam, flooding, and similar which slow down, disturb, or make the normal usage of the website and/or the websites of third parties impossible
e) hacking
f) misuse of software mistakes
g) sexual intimidation or harassing people
h) posting content which is of libellous, insulting, obscene, hurtful, racist, xenophobic, or violent nature.
4.5. The client shall notify ay infringement of the above obligations within 24 hours to COACHTEAM BVBA on abuse-webadmin
Article 5: Prices and payment method 5.1. The price and payment methods are found on the product page of and 5.2. All prices are stated in Euro or USD and include VAT. 5.3. In case the client, after purchase of the basic service, wants to make use of additional services, they can click the buy button for the desired extra service on the side page. The extra service will be paid separately via any of the accepted Payment Service Provider.
5.4. COACHTEAM BVBA cannot be held responsible for any display error.
5.5. Payment is made without compensation at the time of the online order; The payment of the order is done via any of the accepted Payment Service Providers and according to the general terms and conditions of the accepted Payment Service Provider .
5.6. Offering payment methods via the web holds no guarantee that this system would be flawless, without disruptions, interruptions, or errors. COACHTEAM BVBA cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, suffered from the implementation of the payment task which would have happened via the web.
Article 6: Intellectual ownership
6.1. The brand COACHTEAM, COACHTEAM BVBA, logos, images, pictures, animations, video images and/or content (such as information, texts, presentations, training modules, coaching modules, coaching techniques, formats, audio files, video files, ... et cetera) and the texts found on the websites of COACHTEAM BVBA or its partners, are the intellectual property of COACHTEAM BVBA and/or the manager and/or third parties which are appealed to by COACHTEAM BVBA for service, and may not be used, duplicated, or presented without the explicit permission of the aforementioned. This list is not exhaustive
6.2. Software codes, website, database content and database structure or other parts of the system may not be changed, copied, spread, transferred, or used commercially in any way. This list is not exhaustive
6.3. The client (and/or any other third-party) irrevocably transfers all the intellectual property rights on the content which they place on the Websites of COACHTEAM BVBA.
6.4 By signing up, the client accepts that they only have the right to personally view the texts, videos, or other content of the program on the specific day on which the program offers these. The client accepts - through their purchase - that they do not have the right to share this content with others, nor to show others, nor to copy it and/or to save it. The purchasing of a temporary access to the self-help program is only a temporary right to access, during the specific period purchased.
Article 7: Liability
7.1. COACHTEAM BVBA is not liable for slowing, interruptions, and the malfunctioning of the service provisions.
They are not liable, either, for faults in the software.
COACHTEAM BVBA has the right to, at any time, without prior notice to the client, change and/or improve the software, in case this is deemed necessary.
7.2. COACHTEAM BVBA is not liable for damage to the computer or the network of the client, caused by viruses, among other things.
This also goes for damage caused by the malfunctioning of the internet connection.
7.3. COACHTEAM BVBA cannot be held liable for the infringement of the intellectual property rights of third parties which its clients commit.
Third parties which believe that clients of COACHTEAM BVBA damage their intellectual property rights, are requested to notify COACHTEAM BVBA of this immediately via e-mail on the address, after which the infringing material will be removed from the websites within a technically feasible term.
7.4. In no case, COACHTEAM BVBA is liable for the existence and the content of sites to which hyperlinks are provided.
7.5. COACHTEAM BVBA is only liable for direct, foreseeable, personal, and definite damage. They are never liable for indirect damage including, but not limited to, those summed up below:
* loss of profits or revenue
* loss of clients, contracts, or reputation
* loss and/or destruction of data
* decisions made by the client which the client or third parties accredit to the usage of the service
* damage caused by lawful steps undertaken by third parties against the client.
7.6. COACHTEAM BVBA does not offer medical diagnosis nor therapy, only information or (self)coaching services. For diagnosis and treatment of eventual medical problems, the client is to turn to their doctor and/or treating physician.
7.7. The commitment of COACHTEAM BVBA is a commitment of means, not a commitment to results.
7.8. In all cases in which the liability is on COACHTEAM BVBA, this liability is limited to, at most, three times the price which was paid for the service provision.
7.9. Clients can send questions regarding the liability of COACHTEAM BVBA to aansprakelijkheid-webadmin
7.10. The client shall indemnify and hold harmless COACHTEAM BVBA from any damages, direct or indirect, arising from any type of third party claim against COACHTEAM BVBA following any act or negligence by the client in relation to the services or Website of COACHTEAM BVBA.
7.11. The client accepts to indemnify COACHTEAM BVBA for all costs and damages, direct and indirect, including all time spent and travel costs, in the event where COACHTEAM BVBA or dr. Paul KOECK are implicated in any legal proceeding, including arbitration or mediation, as a party, expert, witness or in any other way, involving the client or the client’s name or person. Time spent will be reimbursed at a forfeit rate of 250 euro per hour, excl. VAT and will include all preparation time, travel time, time spent in court/arbitration/mediation and follow-up time. Any additional costs will be reimbursed upon first request and unconditionally upon presentation of receipts. Article 8: Force majeure 8.1 COACHTEAM BVBA is not held to any obligation to the client in case they are hindered therefrom as a result of a situation which is not to blame on them, according to law, legal acts or generally accepted practise at their expense. 8.2 Circumstances as meant in article 8.1 include a business malfunction, a malfunction in the energy or product delivery, internet outage, transport delay, a strike, and the non-delivery or non-timely delivery by deliverers, illness of employees, subcontractors, and/or managers. Article 9: Disclaimer The client is responsible for all damage caused to third parties by themselves or by a third-party whom they have illegally let make use of the websites of COACHTEAM BVBA. The client binds themselves to reimburse all damages to which COACHTEAM BVBA is sentenced to pay as a result of actions by the client or by third parties whom the client let make use of the websites of COACHTEAM BVBA. Article 10: Privacy COACHTEAM BVBA processes all personal data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and all applicable Belgian and European laws and regulations. Details on how COACHTEAM processes your data can be verified in our Privacy Policy, as made available on the Website. Article 11: Applicable law and jurisdiction 11.1 On all agreements closed with COACHTEAM BVBA, only Belgian law is applied. 11.2 All differences regarding the agreements closed with COACHTEAM BVBA will be exclusively handled by the courts of Antwerp in Belgium.